BanskáBystrica +421-48 Q&A 2016,BanskáBystrica+421-48 FAQs 2016,BanskáBystrica Area Code, BanskáBystrica Country Code +421-48, BanskáBystrica Country Code,Country Code +421-48,BanskáBystrica Phone Code, BanskáBystrica Dialing Code, Call BanskáBystrica From Hong Kong, BanskáBystrica Telephone Code +421-48, BanskáBystrica International Dialing +421-48, BanskáBystrica Dialing Codes +421-48, BanskáBystrica Phone Codes, BanskáBystrica Country Code, country calling code +421-48,How to Call BanskáBystrica From Hong Kong,International Calling +421-48,Telephone Code +421-48, International Dialing +421-48, Dialing Codes +421-48, Phone Codes +421-48, Country Code +421-48,
Hulutrip provides you some Q&A of BanskáBystrica+421-48 in 2016.Maybe you can find your answer.If not, please write your question and ou staff will answer it as soon as possible.Besides, some related info of can be found here.

Q: What is BanskáBystrica country code?
A: BanskáBystrica +421-48

Q: What are the BanskáBystrica city codes?
A: BanskáBystrica +421-48

Q: How to dial BanskáBystrica from Hong Kong?
A: phone call +421-48

Q: What is time zone of BanskáBystrica?
A: UTC/GMT +2 hours

Q: What the difference between BanskáBystrica and Hong Kong
A: Bratislava,BanskáBystrica

Q: What is the travel inforamtion of BanskáBystrica?
A: LAT/LONG:48°39'56"N / 19°42'32"E
LANGUAGES:Slovak (official) 78.6%, Hungarian 9.4%, Roma 2.3%, Ruthenian 1%, other or unspecified 8.8% (2011 est.)
ELECTRICITY:i-elec-type-e.pngType E French 2-pin

Q: What is the statistic of BanskáBystrica?
A: CAPITAL:Bratislava

##Other Info

Country Name:BanskáBystrica
Country Map:48.6656494140625, 19.709050178527832
Country Website:BanskáBystrica
BanskáBystrica Introduction: