Kiruna +46-980 Q&A 2016,Kiruna+46-980 FAQs 2016,Kiruna Area Code, Kiruna Country Code +46-980, Kiruna Country Code,Country Code +46-980,Kiruna Phone Code, Kiruna Dialing Code, Call Kiruna From Hong Kong, Kiruna Telephone Code +46-980, Kiruna International Dialing +46-980, Kiruna Dialing Codes +46-980, Kiruna Phone Codes, Kiruna Country Code, country calling code +46-980,How to Call Kiruna From Hong Kong,International Calling +46-980,Telephone Code +46-980, International Dialing +46-980, Dialing Codes +46-980, Phone Codes +46-980, Country Code +46-980,
Hulutrip provides you some Q&A of Kiruna+46-980 in 2016.Maybe you can find your answer.If not, please write your question and ou staff will answer it as soon as possible.Besides, some related info of can be found here.

Q: What is Kiruna country code?
A: Kiruna +46-980

Q: What are the Kiruna city codes?
A: Kiruna +46-980

Q: How to dial Kiruna from Hong Kong?
A: phone call +46-980

Q: What is time zone of Kiruna?
A: UTC/GMT +2 hours

Q: What the difference between Kiruna and Hong Kong
A: Stockholm,Kiruna

Q: What is the travel inforamtion of Kiruna?
A: LAT/LONG:62°11'59"N / 17°38'14"E
LANGUAGES:Swedish (official), small Sami- and Finnish-speaking minorities
ELECTRICITY:i-elec-type-c.pngType C European 2-pini-elec-type-f.pngType F Schuko plug

Q: What is the statistic of Kiruna?
A: CAPITAL:Stockholm

##Other Info

Country Name:Kiruna
Country Map:62.19980049133301, 17.637499809265137
Country Website:Kiruna
Kiruna Introduction: