Big Eye Show
Simon show, as a kind of adult show, has been famous to the world and enjoyed a high reputation  at home for a long time, which is even listed as the quintessence of Thai cluture. Among all the simon shows, Tiffany Show and Alcazar Show are two of the best-known. In recent years, a new kind of simon show called Big Eye Show become flourishing.
The space range is much bigger than traditional ones, being avalible for thousands of people. With the well-designed performances and  the exquisite decroation site, Big eye show has become increasingly popular to people. Aphrodite Cabaret Show 
Besides the Big eye show, Aphrodite Cabaret Show is another recent-appeared show. In this show, about 80 ladyboys sing and dance in stunning customes. With a cast of hundreds it's certainly impressive to view and an entertaining night out. A ship-like structure houses a 900 seater theatre, amsuki shop that can hold 350 diners and a 600-diner restaurant.