The fast food restaurants are seemed to be very important.We here show you the menu of Mels Drive Inn in Universal Studio Japan.With this menu of Mels Drive Inn in Universal Studio Japan,you get a better plan.The complete menu of Mels Drive Inn in Universal Studio Japan is in Universal Studios Japan (ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン Yunibāsaru Sutajio Japan?), located in Osaka, is one of four Universal Studios theme parks, owned and operated by USJ Co., Ltd. which is majority owned by NBCUniversal (as of 2015). The park is similar to the Universal Orlando Resort since it also contains selected attractions from Universal Orlando Resort and Universal Studios Hollywood.
Mels Drive Inn menu of Universal Studio Japan,menu of Mels Drive Inn in Universal Studio Japan,Universal Studio Japan Mels Drive Inn,What can we eat in the Universal Studio Japan
The park opened on March 31, 2001. Over 11 million guests visited the park in its opening year, making it the world's fastest amusement park to have achieved the 10 million milestone at the time. Since then, Universal Studios Japan has had approximately 8 million visitors every year. Most visitors are Japanese tourists and tourists from other Asian countries such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, and South Korea. It is also very popular among Western tourists and expatriates. In 2005, Goldman Sachs became the largest shareholder in Universal Studios Japan.
Mels Drive Inn menu of Universal Studio Japan,menu of Mels Drive Inn in Universal Studio Japan,Universal Studio Japan Mels Drive Inn,What can we eat in the Universal Studio Japan

The Complete Menu of Mels Drive Inn in Universal Studio Japan

Categories Price More
Mushroom & Garlic cheeseburger set
1590 Yen
  • Mushroom & Garlic cheese burger
  • fries
  • soft drinks (R)
Mels Classic Burger set
1390 Yen
  • classic burger
  • fries
  • soft drinks (R)
BBQ bacon cheeseburger set
1590 Yen
  • BBQ bacon cheeseburger,
  • french fries
  • soft drinks (R)
Mels Classic cheeseburger set
1490 Yen
  • classic cheese burger
  • fries
  • soft drinks (R)
Kids hamburger set(up to 11 years of age) for children
990 Yen
  • hamburger
  • fries
  • snacks
  • orange drink
Beer combo
1160 Yen 
Non-alcoholic beer combo
870 Yen
French fries
520 Yen
Fried potato cheese sauce
620 Yen
Onion ring
500 Yen
American chocolate brownie
500 Yen
American Apple Pie
500 Yen
Shake (vanilla / strawberry)
350 Yen
draft beer
750 Yen
non-alcoholic beer
470 Yen
Soft drinks (R / L / Super Large)
300 Yen/360 Yen/500 Yen
Hot coffee
300 Yen
Black tea
300 Yen
Ice chocolate
410 Yen
Ice coffee / iced tea (R)
300 Yen
Ice coffee / iced tea (L)
360 Yen
100 percent juice (orange / apple)
410 Yen
Mineral water
200 Yen  
Mels Drive Inn menu of Universal Studio Japan,menu of Mels Drive Inn in Universal Studio Japan,Universal Studio Japan Mels Drive Inn,What can we eat in the Universal Studio Japan