Chonburi is home to Thailand's largest tourist oriented city in Pattaya which is to the west is the Gulf of Thailand.There are so many attrations in Chonburi you must to visit like Sriracha Tiger Zoo,Elephant Village,The Sanctuary of Truth ect. 1.Sriracha Tiger Zoo
The Animal Welfare Institute reported in 2004 that the zoo had been using tigers and elephants in circus shows, including tigers leaping through rings of fire, walking across a double tightrope, parading around a ring on hind legs, and riding on horseback.
AWI reported "potentially dangerous human-tiger and human-elephant close interaction", "bizarre multi-species enclosures", tigers being struck with steel poles by trainers and implications that tigers were being bred for export to China.
The zoo offers daily tiger, elephant, crocodile and pig shows. Not enough thrills? Then meet the ‘Scorpion Queen’, the lady who set the Guinness World Record in 2008 for ‘The Longest Stay with Scorpions’, by staying in a 12sqm room with 5,000 adult scorpions for 33 days. 

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