Bangkok Balcony Indoor: Info , Price , Traffic , Nearby , Dining , E-Ticket
A sample menu of Bangkok Balcony Indoor Dinner Buffet is for reference.The Hotel has reserved the right to change the menu without advance notice.Baiyoke Sky Hotel will adjust the menu according to different seasons. The atmosphere is a perfect blend of privacy. Quality of service. Dining room and"grill", such as lamb and beef imports from Australia, Sir Lloyd. Various types ofseafood. And salad of fresh organic projects. And eating a "buffet" with over 100species. Sample of Menu
- Chinese fried shrimp salad - Briased beef red wine sauce - Steamed river prawn
- Oyster + NZ. Mussel with condiment - Seafood torpidor - Steamed crab whole
- Shrimp cocktail - Dory fish with butter sauce - Spicy seafood soup
- Easiest – ever seafood risotto - Stuffed chicken with bacon - etc.
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