Supercharge your digital marketing - learn Web Analytics!We are coming to Bangkok, Thailand to help you supercharge your digital marketing.The associate web analytics seminar is the most popular of WACA's seminars in Japan. A sampling of our corporate clients in Japan: Hakuhodo, NTT Resonant, Softbank Technology. We are offering it now in Bangkok at a promotional price of 27 Singapore dollars (689 Thai Baht). Enroll now before we revert back to our original price of 280 Singapore dollars (7140 Thai Baht).Exact venue in Bangkok will be revealed at a later date.For who is this seminar?This program is suited for those who want to:• Acquire more traffic and more conversions to their business• Pursue a new career in Digital Marketing• Start their own business• Widen their knowledge beyond a standard sales careerWhy should you take this seminar?Seminar participants will:• Be able to optimize business results for both offline and online businesses• Be able to understand the purchasing behavior of their customers• Be able to look at a business from three perspectives: Business Analysis, Customer Behavior, Online Traffic• Have the option of acquiring certificationWhat is the curriculum?Our certification program includes our textbook for the Associate Web Analytics Consultant course. The textbook covers the following topics:1.What is Web Analytics?-The role of the web in today’s society and the significance of Web Analytics2.Business Analysis- Analyze businesses by utilizing proven frameworks3.KPI and Planning - How to set intermediate targets that leads to the achievement of final goals4.Designing a blueprint for Web Analysis - Tools and techniques necessary for web analysis and how to report analysis results5.Analyzing Trends - How to grasp overall trends from key indicators such as users, page views, sessions, session duration and conversions6.Analyzing Referrers- How to analyze each type of referrer including paid media which is becoming increasingly important7. Content Analysis - Reducing Bounce rate and exit rate, reasons why users leave the a site, and how to improve a particular page or site8. Proposals and Reports-Creating easy to understand proposals and reports.The seminar fee includes a one-day seminar - promotional price 27 SG $ (689 Thai Baht)The certification exam/fee(4849 Baht-OPTIONAL) and textbook(2140 Baht-OPTIONAL) are optional.Contact me at 65 83321740 or email if you have any questions. 
Date & Time
From: 11 December 2016, Sunday   To:   11 December 2016, Sunday
Event Information
Venue Name: Bangkok, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon, Thailand
Venue Address: Yotse Hospital
Host Organisation
Organisation Name: