Do democratically elected members of parliament in Austaralia have to swear allegiance to an unelected royal who lives i

Do democratically elected members of parliament in Austaralia have to swear allegiance to an unelected royal who lives i

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12 Answers
Hulitrip users Written 21 Nov
Yes, because she's the head of state. Australia could vote to get ride of the monarchy whenever they like, so there's no point playing the victim card.
Hulitrip users Written 21 Nov
Hulitrip users Written 21 Nov
The Australian Constitution requires them to swear or affirm their allegiance to the Crown.
Hulitrip users Written 21 Nov
Yes. But, after all, as the "Bruces" say in that Monty Python skit, she's a good sheila and not a bit stuck up.
Hulitrip users Written 21 Nov
Yes. The Oath or Affirmation is in Section 42 of the Constitution and therefore, unless amended, will stay with us. The affirmation is:

I, A.B., do solemnly and sincerely affirm and declare that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Victoria (now Elizabeth the Second), Her heirs and successors according to law.

If Australia becomes a republic, Section 42 of the Constitution will be amended accordingly. It doesn't bother anyone so it will continue while the Queen of Australia is the Head of State.