Australians do you remember a time when you actually had to be making an income before to you paid tax?

Australians do you remember a time when you actually had to be making an income before to you paid tax?

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29 Answers
Hulitrip users Written 18 Nov
As a payroll officer myself I always adjusted the tax to suit the number of days/weeks being taken, so there was absolutely no difference to being paid weekly. Any payroll officer not doing that needs a kick up the kyber pa$$!
As it happens, with GST actually the non-payroll tax take is probably a lot lower than it was, with all the different rates for cars, furniture, clothing, in fact everything you purchased!
As far as tax on children, only when they have un-earned income of over $1,600 a year, and not too many have that much! In fact I doubt if too many Labor voters have enough left to save to earn that much after grog, smokes and lattes!
Hulitrip users Written 18 Nov
Before GST, there was sales tax and there have always been heaps of other taxes on things other than income.
Hulitrip users Written 18 Nov
No i don't i take all my sick leave and holidays together so i can have sex with my boyfriend in exotic locations like Bali,Fiji,Tonga,Samoa and Hawaii. Only old people care about taxes
Hulitrip users Written 18 Nov
When your unemployed the money you get is tax money so your only giving a little bit of tax back to the tax that pays you.
Hulitrip users Written 18 Nov
I like tax