Easter Festival is coming! Easter Festival is coming! Easter Festival is coming! The most important things should be reminded of three times. According to the legend, Easter Festival is in memory of Easter whose half brother is Bali. It is an interesting discover that Bali sounds like Bali that means quickly in Korean, imagining that Bali said,  "Easter, Bali, Bali." Bali found out a goose egg in a bush, incubating a rabbit. There is no doubt that the rabbit becomes a beauty. Easter cohabited with Bali and saved his life when he met a calamity. That is the source of Easter.

  The countdown of 32 days has befallen Easter Festival.  It is ready to distribute colorful egg which is an important symbol of Easter Festival expecting for a new start. Traditionally, the businessmen who back the cross for Jesus sold eggs. Having seen a basket of colorful eggs, he broadcast the piece of news, so colorful egg became Easter egg. Still wait for the real day? Or wait for your mates? But your Oba is waiting for your unique eggs. Your eggs hit your Oba, it is good luck! luck! luck! Still look at your Oba through your day-dreaming gaze? No waiting! Then encounter your Oba in a fabulous tour in Korea. More attractions, more entertainment, and more amusement.

Related Recommendation:
  Except for tasty food in Seoul, there are some places easy to meet Korean stars--your ideal Oba.
 No1. Cheongdam Cave
  Many stars live near Cheongdam Cave which is known as a famous business center and a famous area for the rich. As a result, Cheongdam Cave is a badge of wealth and power. Many fashionable shopping centers, pubs, cafes are located there. Cheongdam Cave is a golden place for purchasing a property. As a result,  many flag stores from different brands are gathering here. Most importantly, coming from the subway station of Cheongdam Cave, you will step into residential area of Korean stars.
<title>Fabulous Tour for Easter Festival in Korea,Fabulous Tour2017,2017Korea Easter,Easter Festival in Korea2017,Korea2017,2017Easter Festival in Korea,Fabulous Tour2017