Earlier this week, Usain Bolt invited children from some of the favelas surrounding his training base to visit as he prepared for the Olympic Games

Now, on the other side of the city, fans of Rio 2016's biggest star want more

Chef extraordinaire and one of Rio's best known figures, David Bipso, dreams of seeing the Jamaican sprint star getting to know the favela in which he lives

That is the Chapéu Mangueira community in Leme, where David's Bar serves as a point of contact between the favelas that line the hills surrounding Copacabana beach, the wealthy high rises down below, and a regular band of curious foreigners

To achieve his goal, David has launched a social media campaign called 'Come to the favela Usain Bolt'

Owner David Bipso promises to name a dish after Bolt (Photo: Facebook) On his Facebook page, David has posted a series of videos featuring notable musicians, journalists and actors all adding their voices to the campaign to bring Bolt to the hill (as the hillside favela communities are often called)

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Swiss synchronised swimmers Sophie Giger and Sacia Kraus visited the bar and took a photo with the owner to confirm that it would worth the six-time gold medal winner's time

David is optimistic and hopes a visit from Bolt will inspire the children of the community

"I want to make this dream of mine come true for the children who live here

Like them and like me, Bolt comes from humble beginnings and found sport on his journey

We've lost a lot of children to drug trafficking and a visit like this could really change someone's destiny

It would be noble of him to recognise this and come

Therefore, I say: come to the favela, Usain Bolt," he said

  David also knows that Bolt enjoys his food, especially intense and spicy dishes characteristic of Jamaican cooking

 In a national competition this year, a snack from his bar was voted best in the country

And the cook has already gone to the trouble of creating a dish in Bolt's name, to be served should he choose to visit

"I know he like some spice, and I'm good at spice

I'm certain he's going to like the dish I've named after him," says David, who will be carrying the Olympic torch in Copacabana on Thursday night (4 August)

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