Jeungdo Mosilgil is a 42.7km-long walking path along the coastline of Jeungdo Island, the first Slow City in Asia located off the southwestern coast of the Korean peninsula. Jeungdo Mosilgil Course 3, also known as 'A Thousand Year Forest Walk,' connects

Directions 1) Seoul → Gwangju/Mokpo * Take a bus from Seoul Central City Express Bus Terminal to Gwangju U-Square Bus Terminal.(Bus schedule: 00:15-24:00, 15-min intervals / Estimated travel time: 3hr 40min) * Take a bus from Seoul Central City Express Bus Terminal to Mokpo Bus Terminal.(Bus schedule: 05:30-24:00, 40-min intervals / Estimated travel time: 4hr) 2) Gwangju/Mokpo/Seoul → Jido-eup * Take a bus from Gwangju U-Square Bus Terminal to Jido Express Bus Terminal.(Bus schedule: 19 times daily / Estimated travel time: 1hr 50min) * Take a bus from Mokpo Bus Terminal to Jido Express Bus Terminal.(Bus schedule: every hour / Estimated travel time: 1hr 15min) * Take a bus from Seoul Central City Express Bus Terminal to Jido Express Bus Terminal.(Bus schedule: 07:30, 16:20) 3) Jido-eup → Jeungdo-myeon Take a bus bound for Jeungdo from Jido Express Bus Terminal to Jeungdo-myeon. Take a bus or a taxi from Jeungdo-myeon to Jeungdo Ujeon beach resort (8km).
Jeungdo Mosilgil is a 42.7km-long walking path along the coastline of Jeungdo Island, the first Slow City in Asia located off the southwestern coast of the Korean peninsula.
Jeungdo Mosilgil Course 3, also known as 'A Thousand Year Forest Walk,' connects from Jjangddungeodari Bridge towards Ujeon Beach, through Thousand Year Pine Forest, and to Mud Flat Museum. Structure Size 5 courses (42.7km) Tourism Course [Jeungdo Mosilgil Course 3] A thousand Year Forest Walk * Distance: 4.6km * Duration: 1hr 30min * Course: Jjangddungeo Bridge (짱뚱어다리) → A Thousand Year Fine Tree Forest (천년해송숲) → Mud Flat Museum (갯벌전시관) Reference Notes ○ Mud Flat Salt Festival: The festival takes place in July on Jeungdo Island under the theme of “Mud Flat, Salt and Treasure Island." Most activities are centered around mud flat and salt, including mud painting, Gaemaegi (traditional farming method) and the Dead Sea experience program. ○ Sinan Trout Festival: The festival takes place in June, and features a number of programs, including trout fishing and the trout slicing competition.
Also, a range trout dishes can be sampled during the festival. Program Activities ○ Salt Farm Experience Program (Hosted by Salt Museum): The program educates the importance of the natural environment and healthy food through an open tour of salt production in the region.

Reservation for the program must be made in advance. ○ Mud Flat Experience Program: The program offers an opportunity to experience firsthand the fresh germanium-rich mud flat, a habitat for mud skipper, long-legged octopus, clams, etc.

Top Things to Do in [Jeungdo Mosilgil Course 3] A Thousand Year Forest Walk

Where is [Jeungdo Mosilgil Course 3] A Thousand Year Forest Walk

 Jeollanam-do Sinan-gun Jeungdo-myeon
전라남도 신안군 증도면 (증도면)
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