A international free port, is famous for its touris and entertainment industry. It's also one of the World's for great casino.Macau lies on the western side of the Pearl River Delta across from Hong Kong, which is about 64 kilometers to the east, and it is also bordered by Guangdong of Mainland China to the north and the South China Sea to the east and south.With an estimated population of around 636,200 living in an area of 30.3 km2 (11.6 sq mi), it is the most densely populated region in the world.
12 Macau SHOW available for booking
Escape into the wonderous world of magic and be wowed by world renowne... Map
Based on 163 reviews
Escape into the wonderous world of magic and be wowed by world renowned magician Franz Harary who brings Mega Magic, the most fansinating show of The House of Mag...
Riverdance Venetian Macao Ticketing|It is time to pay a visit to the t... Map
Based on 163 reviews
Riverdance Venetian Macao Ticketing|It is time to pay a visit to the theatre in coming Riverdance Macao Time 2017! With Hulutrip best offers for online booking, i...
Blue Man Group Tour in Macau E-Ticket is available on Hulutrip! Blue M... Map
Based on 163 reviews
Blue Man Group Tour in Macau E-Ticket is available on Hulutrip! Blue Man Group show will be launched in The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel from August 11 to August 2...
Give you amazing show by Franz Harary in Studio City in Macau. Map
Based on 163 reviews
Give you amazing show by Franz Harary in Studio City in Macau.