African migrants turn Paris into a tip. Why are they allowed and encouraged to do this? When will they be rounded up and deported?

African migrants turn Paris into a tip. Why are they allowed and encouraged to do this? When will they be rounded up and deported?

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23 Answers
Hulitrip users Written 17 Oct
this poor biitch has been dumped by a bloke who was supposedly a Brit serviceman and just hates everyone because of it so trawls the gutter rags looking for anything to use as hatred against any race colour religion or culture you can see why whoever it was moved on from such a boring negative
Hulitrip users Written 17 Oct
The Anglican Church and the French Government are two different things, you know.
Hulitrip users Written 17 Oct
Should be doesnt mean anything you need to be like US and DO not say youre just a pathetic buck passing arrsehole that has NO say on anything and NO backbone to get out and DO anything