African migrants turn Paris into a tip. Why are they allowed and encouraged to do this? When will they be rounded up and deported?

African migrants turn Paris into a tip. Why are they allowed and encouraged to do this? When will they be rounded up and deported?

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23 Answers
Hulitrip users Written 17 Oct
Serves the government right for not dealing
with them in accordance to international law

NO different to Irish so called travellers in UK
and NO different from homeless on UK streets

I received a thank you email from the campaign
running a massive petition to FORCE Theresa May
to accept the Syrian refugee children SUCCESS !!!

And the tip of the iceberg we will NOT stop until Britain are
FORCED again to accept their share of refugees properly

Btw WE have a Level 7 (silent) team player who moves your
questions so you are WRONG (again) blaming Charlie Hobbes

Have fun in Paris jilted Judith its the nearest you will get to reality and
how sad is it in your 20's to be reading the daily mail like an old hag ?
Hulitrip users Written 17 Oct
Deporting them will not help much. They need prison sentences for millions and many public executions to deter others from even coming to France.
Hulitrip users Written 17 Oct
Tuesday. Right after lunch.
Hulitrip users Written 16 Oct
Read the article : they're not encouraged to do this since the police were sent to make them leave the place.