Kowloon to Foshan Nanhai Bus departs from Tsim Sha Tsui East T Galleria & DFS, and arrives at Foshan Nanhai. Ride & Drive takes only 255 minutes, and is most convenient transportation getting to Foshan.
Tips:Please redeem ticket 15 minutes in advance before departure. 100% charge for cancellation after confirmation.
Kowloon to Foshan Nanhai Bus
Map G/F, 77, Mody Road, DFS, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong
5.0 out of 5 (hulutrip Guest Rating)
HKD 122+
Tour Code:1203089
Kowloon to Foshan Nanhai Bus departs from Tsim Sha Tsui East T Galleria & DFS, and arrives at Foshan Nanhai. Ride & Drive takes only 255 minutes, and is most convenient transportation getting to Foshan.