Since Kinkakuji, Ginkakuji and Kiyomizudera Temple are the three most-visit temples in Kyoto, info of these three temples is frequently asked. Thus, here some FAQS concerning the three temples are unc...
Seeing the autumn illumination lights display is one of the main reason why you'd better come to Kiyomizudera in autumn. Scene of Kiyomizu dera with burny leaves in daytime is quite beautiful enough t...
The best season to visit Kiyomizudera Temple, the must-see temple in Kyoto, is certainly in autumn. When it comes to fall, leaves turn to burny red which makes the whole temple alive and attractive. A...
There are a famous attraction outside Kiyomizu-dera Temple, an old charming shopping street which is a veritable must-visit shopping area if you visit Kiyomizu-dera Temple. Here we will introduce the ...
If you would like to take a trip to Japan, Kyoto, the former capital of Japan, is a place you can't miss out which hosts hundreds of traditional temples. Those historic temples are the must-see sights...
Since Shukubo(temple lodging) has become increasingly popular with tourists in Kyoto, we will introduce some Kyoto temple info and FAQS in detail in this article, including temple lodging recommendati...